Top 10k strings from Bridge Tutor Advanced (1983)(CP Software)(16k).tzx
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5 to dummys 2 sand high 2 s? Thus South jumps to 3NT,promising a stop in 2 s. Instead he opens 1 2 s. The 2nd round of 2 s,once the 2 s,and letsNorth decide the final contract.PLAY:West leads 2 s,South knows thegame belongs to them,but in NTor 2 s is won bydummys 2 s indummy while drawing trumps inthe process. If West had 2 s ensure the contract. 2 giving himself a convenient re-bid to Norths response. WhenNorth,on his 2nd response sup-ports Souths 2 BIDDING:When North opens 1 2 BIDDING:Souths 1 2 BIDDING:South is too strong toopen 1NT and chooses to open 1 2 BIDDING:South opts against astrong 1NT opening,because ofhis weak 2 7 2 6 2 3h4h9hahqd8d7d4d2d5d9d6dkdad3d7s7hjhqhkhjd5s3s6std9s4s4c3c6cqc9cac2h5c8ckc8h7ctc2cth5hjctsjsks2sas8s6hqs8s2skh5h4h7c5c3ckdjdtd9d7dqsjs4s3sahjhackcqc2cqd3d2dn4b 14423222444311 1cno1dno3nnonono 2 3d6dad4d9dqd7s7d2hkh9h3h4c3ckc5c2c6cqsjc3s4sts2s8c9cks2d5s8sjs9sas7c4h5d6stc5h8dacqc6hjdkd7htdth8hahjhqhksqs5s3skhjh6h5h4h4ctd7d6dasjsts6s8h3hackc8c2ckdqd4ds3e 13124242444441 no1cno1hno1sno2sno3nno4snonono 2 3. East winswith the A. When West trumps the 2 3 to give South a3rd 2 .South has no choice,for if Easthas 2 . In effect ,declarer is trading a 2 . When this wins,it is asimple matter of ruffing 2 2 . PLAY:West leads 2 ,to give partner an easy responseAfter North responds 1 2 ,so this card must be saved asa winner. Once declarer realises the imp-ortance of the 2 ,so declarer goes up with the 2 ,he will win the trick andgive partner another 2 ,declarers play at trick 3 wouldput him 2 tricks light,whereasplaying 2 ,Southbids the full extent of his hand3NT,showing about 19 points anda balanced hand. PLAY:This hand illustrates theimportance of planning play, be-fore playing the 1st trick. West leads 2 "STOP THE TAPE": 2 would save a trick.However,a 2nd undertrick is asmall price to pay for a chanceto make game. 2 tricks. Now,even thoughEast holds up 2 tricks,South must keep liasonwith dummy in another suit. Theonly outside entry to dummy is 2 trick,but if South acceptsthe gift he might not make thecontract. If South disregardsthe 1st trick and counts histricks he has 2 2 trick andwin trick 1 with 2 through Souths 2 ruff todefeat the contract. The onlyhope is that West underled the 2 may be heldback for 2 rounds, to insure 4 2 is out of the way.However,since the 2 for 2 rounds,there is still an entry to dummyto utilise the 2 as a winner,he will see that he must refuseWests offer of a 3rd 2 and the established 2 and East had 2 return,the contract rests onwhat card declarer plays fromdummy when West shifts to a 2 trickfor 2 1 xxx? WhilstSouth can make the contract byplaying a 1 xx.So South cashesonly 1 high 1 xx,so thedefence take the 1st 3 1 x,by lead-ing a low 1 x or bare 1 will have to be lost eventuallyso South might as well play itnow and see what happens. Westplays 1 whilst discarding a 1 ts3sks7s6sjsqs4s9s2h2sastd2d4d3d5d7d9dadthah8d4h3c2ckc5ckd6d5h5sqd3hjh8sjd7hqh4cac8htc6c9c9hqc7cjc8c6hkh4s3s6h4h2hackc9ckdqdjd9d4dasjs7sahqhjh5hqcjctc3ctd5dn2b 13144342222244 1d1hdb1snono3nnonono 1 tricksto defeat the contract. Also, 1 tricks. Thus South must refusethe safety play and lead out 1 tricks to beat the contract.However,if South allows East towin the 1st trick with 1 trick. If West refuses a 1 trick straight away,West willtake the 1st 1 towards dummys 1 to drive out dummys 1 to attempt to unblock the suit.South gratefully takes the trickwith 1 to dummys 1 th6hjh2hkh3h4hah4s3sas2s6sqs8s8h2cactc4cjs9h7s5s4d3dqd6dksts5d8cad7d8djd9s9d7h9c5htd3cqhkd2d5c7ckc6cqcjcjs8s4sah7h6hacjc7c3c8d5d4dasks9s7s6s5h3h2h6c4cadqd2ds1b 13241224444333 nono1h1sno2snonono 1 swill be blocked,since there willbe no entry to his hand once the 1 swill clear them all. But if 1 swho then shift to a 1 swell stopped. Had North openedthe bidding, South would be toostrong to bid 1NT, but sinceNorth only overcalled he doesnot promise so much. With max-imum values for his overcall,North would raise to 2NT,invit-ing South to bid game. But sinceNorth overcalled on a near min-imimum, he must pass. PLAY:South has nothing to loseby ducking Wests opening 1 suit,adequate values to raise a1NT opener to game,but neverenough for a slam bids 4 1 suit, and a singleton ace. PLAY:After Wests 1 sto make the contract. Note that if a small 1 sto defeat the contract. Southsonly hope now is the 1 sthrough East. Thus South leads asmall 1 ssplit 4-3,or the 1 ssplit 3-3 (once trumps are drawnSouths 4th 1 ssplit no worse than 4-1,and 1 sshould be tried before 1 sover Norths 2 1 sout of the way,the 1 sno worse than 5-1,thus the oddsare very much in favour of Southif he uses this play. 1 sis not difficult to reach, ifSouth studies the possibilities.If East has 1 simmediately and use Norths 3rdtrump to help establish them.At trick 4,South plays 1 shift in dummy,leads out the 1 sbefore he can discard his losing 1 sare cashed. If 1 sand shifts to a 1 sand cashes the 1 s; and if he 1st triesthe 1 s: East wins 1 s.Nowdeclarer can infer that of the 2opponents,East is more likely tohold long 1 s.If he cashesa high 1 s.If South leads out 1 s.Howeverif declarer goes after the 1 s.As he hasalready followed to 2 rounds of 1 s. With 2 of Wests dangerous 1 s. To stop this,declarer plays only 1 high 1 s. This requires careful plan-ning,since he will have to trythe 1 s. Souths timing is vital.So he ducks the opening lead, ashe must lose at least 1 1 s. So Souths best plan willbe to take a safety play in 1 s. So South plays lowfrom dummy at trick 1,and Eastwins with 1 s. So East must havebegun with 6 1 s. Playingfor the 1 s. PLAY:West leads 1 s. Now South does not have timeto set up 1 s. Note that if Southgoes after 1 s. If South thenattempted the 1 s. However,thecontract could still be underthreat if West has 5 1 s. But the 1 s. But East continues 1 s. But atthe same time he must shut outEast,who,given the chance wouldlead a 1 s. Although East holdsback his 1 s. Westleads 1 s. The1st 1 s. Southdoes not have a 7th trick immed-iately available, but so long ashe discards carefully on dummysgood 1 s. So, at trick 1,when Eastputs up 1 s. Once declarer has used uphis 1 s. Letssuppose South plays 3 rounds of 1 s. In any case, declarer mustlose a 1 s. However,if South promptlydraws 4 rounds of trumps,the 1 s. WhenEast plays low declarer discardshis 1 s. To prevent this,declarer shouldduck the 1st trick,thus breakingthe defenders communications ie 1 s. After declarer has knocked out 1 s. Instead,South should go after 1 s. PLAY:South wins the opening leadof 1 s. PLAY:West leads 1 s. PLAY:In actual bridge play, theopponents do not always find thebest defence. So if they make amistake you must take advantageof this. After winning trick 1 with 1 s. 1 s,tofind they are 4-2. Next he tries 1 s,to make the contract. 1 s,thenEast would win the 1st 1 s,then exit on atrump. To make the contract now,South must avoid a 1 s,the contract will hinge on awinning finesse. Dummy will bevoid of trumps in dummy,and itthe finesse fails,the defenderscan cash 2 more 1 s,the contract isdoomed. Therefore declarer seeksa compromise,pre-supposing thatthe 1 s,the opponents have discardedenough 1 s,since he doesnot require them for entries andhe may give the defence discardproblems. Having led out all the 1 s,plays dummys 1 s,or lead a 1 s,makes a"snap" double for penalty points,since he can expect to make atleast 3 trump tricks,1 1 s,lest the defence cash 2 1 s,leaving South 1 trick short.The answer is in the unblockingplay. South cashes 1 of dummyshigh 1 s,knocking outdeclarers only stop,and be ableto defeat the contract after 8tricks have been cashed by SouthSo it would only be correct forSouth to play low on trick 2 ifhe could,on regaining the leadwith 1 s,hoping to give theopponents discard problems. Sodeclarer leads out his 1 s,his most likelyholding is bare or doubleton 1 s,he cannot possibly have morethan 1 1 s,forcing outSouths last 1 s,draws trumps,andfinesses 1 s,discarding 1 s,declarerleads 1 s,but if he plays 1 s,but South cannot afford tolose the lead. Declarer should give himself 2chances by 1st cashing 1 s,at least 1 1 s,andwhen he discards his 1 s,and he will gethis 10 tricks from 5 1 s,Westruffs,so South has got rid ofhis last 1 s,Southwould have no further problems,with 10 tricks comprising:1 1 s,Southshould tackle 1 s,South cannot avoid 2 1 s, since the defencewill win 1 s, andSouth wins in hand in order tobe able to take the 1 s)and South willbe 1 down. The correct play isto lead up to dummy 1 s(if the finesse fails). SinceEast can get to West for a 1 s(aslong as 1 s!),fully expecting to run therest of the 1 s with a ruff,Southshould combine his chances bywinning the 1 s will break 4-3 andthe defenders will be unable totake more than 3 1 s will break 2-2,orthat the 1 s will break 6-1more than 6% of the time,theextra care involved is worth it. 1 s turn outto be 4-3,the 1 s to theQJ. Or,declarer could play a low 1 s to set up dummys last 1 s to produce thistrick. The most obvious is tocash 1 s to make up his 10 tricks. Theplay will succeed as long as 1 s to make 10 tricks.Theproblem is to cash them beforelosing the four. Lets supposeSouth wins trick 1,draws trumps,cashes 1 s to make hiscontract with 1 overtrick. HadWest led his 1 s to justify his overcall. Withthis is mind,South realises thathis contract is only in dangerif East gets the lead to play a 1 s to give South his 9thtrick in 1 s to find they are 3-3.SinceSouth has used up dummys 1 s to defeat the contractDeclarer cannot know this is so,but as a precaution he can 1strun the 1 s to defeat thecontract. West leads a small 1 s the contract wouldstill be safe. If the 1 s take the rest. 1 s so Westcannot reach East for the fatal 1 s set up,making 10 tricks. 1 s or tryfor the finesse. The answer isto cash the 1 s on trick 2,South can count 10 tricks:5 1 s on dummys 1 s on 2high 1 s must belost(Wests 1 1 s might alsohave the last trump,in whichcase declarer can ruff the 4th 1 s may break 3-3,or if East has 1 s may havebegun with 1 s instead. Normally,Souths correct play would be asmall 1 s in his handis to develop dummys 1 s in dummy,declarer shouldresist the obvious 1 s if West obtains thelead to play a 1 s he can set up a trick inone of the black suits in per-fect safety. 1 s for his 10th trick.Declarer should realise that ifhe draws trumps before tackling 1 s do notbreak 3-3. If he 1st plays a 1 s do not break 5-0),and5 1 s broke 7-2,in which caseWest would have bid). South has2 1 s break 4-1, so Southmust assume they are 3-2. IfSouth plays 1 s break 4-1 it is hardluck so South must hope for a3-2 break. Luckily the 1 s before 1 s at the lowest level,South nowknows that Norths opener was ona minimum hand and now jumps togame in 1 s as West begun with6 1 s arent 4-3,he finesses in 1 s are outstanding. South ruffs another 1 s are established. Attrick 4,South leads 1 s are 4-2 and declarerleads 1 s are 3-3 so his 4th 1 s are 3-2South may lose an unnecessarytrick,but will still make thecontract. If West shows out onthe 2nd round of 1 s are 2-2). West winswith single 1 s are nolonger a threat to the contract,so declarer can afford to giveup 2 1 s are 3-3,thelast trump is drawn and all iswell. If the 1 s are 4-2,thedefender with 4 1 s and2 aces. His 9th trick could comefrom a 1 s and the bidding is passedround to South,who knowing thathe and North have enough pointsfor game,ensures that game isnot missed and bids 3NT. PLAY:West leads 1 s and so unable to getto partners established tricks.It does not even matter if Easthas 3 1 s and shift to a 1 s and lose only 2 1 s and exit a 1 s and West does not take 1 s and East wins and returns yetanother 1 s and East shows out.Had declarer failed to get ridof his 1 s and Southswins 1 s Southraises to 4 1 s with a 2 1 s toget a better picture of things.When East shows out on the 3rdround, the contract now appearsto hinge on the 1 s onhis 2nd response thus ensuringgame is reached. When Northshows 3-card support in 1 s correctly. Since there isno hurry to take the 1 s are4-0. Declarer then crosses tohis 1 s andthe 3rd of 1 s andruns the high 1 s 1st,and finds that they donot break;then he plays 3 roundsof 1 s would be unblocked,and hecould simply reel off 9 tricks.Thanks to Souths hold-up play of 1 s toprevent the 1 s dosplit so now South must avoidlosing 3 1 s are 3-3,his lead makes nodifference,since 3 rounds of 1 s andwill either have to lead a 1 s andWest is soon in trouble. He canneither afford to discard a high 1 ruff: After winning the openinglead with 1 ruff in dummy. This is good de-fence. Had West shifted to anyother suit,or continued 1 ruff gets declarer back to hishand to continue drawing trumps,and East now shows out whilstWest wins 1 return, Souths minor suit acesensure that he will be able toregain the lead and draw trumpsbefore the 1 qsksas5s2s5d9s3s4h3hkh2h3dad6d2d5h7dqh6hkd4d4s7hqdjd6s8h6c3ckc5cac9c8c4cah7stc7c2c8s8dtstdjsth9h9dqcjcjh3dks6s4s3sahkhth6hackcjc2c5s4htc8c6ckdqdtd9d8d7d6d5dd4e 13423444222444 4dno5dnonono 1 qs3s6s4sjs9s2s5s8sksas7skd3d2dad8h3hkh2h4h5dqh5h9h7hth8dahts6djhac8c4c2ckc9c5c3c6cjcqc4dtc7djd9d7cqd6htdqh9h8hks9s3sad6dqctc7c5c4c7s5s4sahkhth6h4hackc6cjd3dh3n 11132424444224 no1hno2nno3hno4hnonono 1 qs2s4s3sjs5s6cks3d8dkd4dtd5d6d7s2djdad8s4c2cac8c3ctckc9c2h4hah7h3h8hkh9has9s6sth5hqh6hjhts9dqd7djc7cqc5c6s5s2sah6h3hac7c3ckdtd9d2dasks3skh5h2hkc5c4cad7d6d3dn2l 11422424244113 nono1nno3nnonono 1 qh3hkh2h6h8h9h5hjhah3d5sqc3cackc2c4dtc4c5c6c7c5djc6d2s8c9c7d3s4sjd9dqd8d2dtdkd4had9s7h6sksjs8s7ststhasqsas8s3s2sah7h5h3hqctc5cqd2dksts5s8h2hacjc9c7c2cadkdjdn2e 13124244424442 nono1nno2cno2dno3nnonono 1 qh3h8h4hjhkd5h7h4ckc7c3cad4d7d6d2s4sqs7sqd2d3s8djd3d2c2htd5d5ckh9d6h6ctcah9h8s6s5s9sasksacjc8cts9cqcjsthas8s3s2s3hackc9c6c5c2cadkdqsjs5sah7h4h8c3cqdjdtd9d7dn2n 11122444444223 1cno1dno1sno1nno3cno3sno3nnonono 1 qh2hkh3h5hah4h8h6s4sks2s3s7sts5sas6h9s8sjd2d5d3d8d6d9dkdac7c4c5c2c9c8ckcad7d4dtcqd3cjc7htd6cjsthqsjh9hqcks9s3s9h8h2hkc5cadqdtd9d5dasqsjsts6sah3hjc9c7cjd8d4ds4l 13424443322244 1sno2dno2sno4snonono 1 qd3d5dkd4c5ckc2cac3c2d6c2s3sjsasjd6d8c5sks4d4s8s3h7hah2h5h4hqh8hkh7c7d6hthtc7sjhad9c9h8dtsjc6s9d9sqcqstdts9s7s4s2sah5hackcad7d6d3dksqsjs6s5skhqhth9h3h4ckd2ds3b 14221442442224 no1sno3dno3hno4sno4nno5sno6snonono 1 qd2d7d6djd3d4d3hah7h2hthtcac5c3ctd5d9d9hkh8h4hqhkc2ckd7cqc6c3s8cjc9c5s2s4cjh8s6stsks9s7s5hjsqs4s6hadas8d6h5h4h2hks8s5s3skd5d3d2d5casqs7sahkh9h3hkcqcjctc4c6dh1e 11441444441222 nonono1cno1dno2hno3hno4hnonono 1 qd2d7d4djd3d6dkdqh6h7h2h3h4hthkh9ctcqc2ctdad8d5dah5h2s3cjh9h5s4c8h5c7c6c8c4sjcac9d3s6stsas7s8sqsjsks9skcks7s3sahjhth8h7h8c2cad3d2dqsts5s2sqh3hkcjctc7ckd5d4dn4e 11443122221112 no1c1hno1nnonono 1 qc7c8c4c2h3hah4hkc6c3c2s4s3s9s5sks6s8s2cas7sqs5cjd5d4dkdacts9c9d3d6dtd2dad8d7d6hkh5h8hthqh7h9hjhqdtcjsjcqs8s4s2skhqh3h7cadqdtd9d4dasksjsts9s9h8h4h6c4cjd7d3ds3e 11324443422224 1c1sno4snonono 1 qc4c6c3cjc9c2cackh2h3h6h5h4hjhthtd2d4dkdas2s5s3sqs9s6sksts4s8h7s5d6dad3djd5c7d9dqh7cah8s8djs9h8c7htcqdkcahjh8h3h9s2sqdtd8d7d5d9c4cksts3skhqh9h7h5hac3cadjd4dh2n 11442114244244 nono1h2c2hno4hnonono 1 qc2c9c3cjc6c4cackh4h2h5hqh8s3h6had3d4d2d7h6sjh4sqd6d5ckdtc7ckc8h9h5dah8djd9d3s7dtd8c7sts2s9sksasqs5sjsthahjh3h2h5s2sqdjdtd4d7c6c2cks7s3skhqhth9h8h7hac5c3cadh4n 11444421422214 1h1s2hno4hnonono 1 overcall marks him with 1 overcall (also bearing in mindthat his 1 over Wests 1 1 over Norths 1 1 or double. Had East opened thebidding,not West, an overcallwould be better, but a double ispreferred here,since South hasopening bid strength himself,butthere is a fair chance thatNorth has a fair hand himself,but cannot bid if his only bid-dable suit is 1 losers.(He may lose to 1 losers. Even if Wests 1 loser,in the process,and takesthe last 2 tricks with 1 looks a laydown,but there is aslight chance that on winningthe 1 lead,with nowhere to put his 2 1 lead in the 1 lead and can count 8 top tricks.He has 3 possible ways of makingthe 9th: 1 lead (trick 4) in hand. If hewins 1 ks5s9s6sasts4s7s3sqs2h8skc3c2cac5c9c7h4c8h4hth3h7ctc9h6cqh2sah5hjcqckh8c4dtdad3djh6hjd2d6d5dkd8djsqd9d7dahjhthqsts5sad9d6dacjc7c5cjs8s7s6skhqh9h8h7h3ckdjd4dh1e 11132424242244 no1nno2cno2dno3hno4hnonono 1 ks2s4s5s2d3dad5dtd9djd4dkd7d8dqd4h8h3h9h5h7hjh6hac2c3c5cqc7c6cjc4c9ckc3s8ctsqhtc6s7sthjsah6d8s2hkhasqs9sqhjh8hqs8s6s2s7d4d3dacqc4c5sahkhth9h5hkc8c6c3cqd9d5dh1n 11311422242444 1snonodbno2nno3hnonono 1 khah4h3h7c2cac3c6c8s8c4c9d6d2dtdqh9c2h7hkc5ctc3s3djdad5dkd6h4dqd8hthqc5h8d9h4sjs7d5s9sjh2s6sksasqs7stsjckcqc9c8c7cah7s2s9d8d7d4d3dks9s4s8h7h3hacjctc6cadkd2dc4e 12421224422214 1c1s3cno3nno5cnonono 1 kh2h5hah2c4cac8c3ctckcqcjc4d7c9c6c2s8h3h5c8s3s6hjd5dad2d6s5sksjsas7d7s9s3d4h8dkdqs4s9hts7hthjh9dqhqd6dtdts7s6s3s8h2hac7c3cadqd9d8dasks4sahthkcjc6c5c2cjdtd3dn4l 14244442443311 1nno2cno2dno3nnonono 1 kd4d2dqdqcac9c5ctd5d6cjdtc2ckc2h5h4hth3hah8h6h3d9d6d3sad7d8d4cqskh7s7h7c2s8sas5sqhjc4s9sjhjs6sts9hks3c8cahkhth6s4s2std9d8d4dac3c2casqs3sqhjh9h7h6h5h2h6c5cqdh1n 11214221224444 1dnono1hno2hno4hnonono 1 kd3d4d2dah4h2h3h5hth5d6has8s5s2s3s9s8h6s9h7hqh6dksts4c7s4sqsjh3cac6c2c7c5c9ckc8cjs7dtdjdtcqckhjcqdad8d9dqhth4hasksjs4s3s8d3dkctc2c5skhjh9h8h6h3hac5c4cqdtd2dh2b 11122422442241 1sno2hno3hno4hnonono 1 kc9c5c2c2h3h6h8h5s7sqsksjdkd8d5d6s8sasts2sjsjh2dah5hth6ckh7hqc7cqh9h6dtc4d7dad3d9sjc3c4c4s9d8cqd3std4hacth3hasqs9s4s3s2sad6d5dqc9c6s5sahkhqhjh8h4h8c3c2ckd4dh1b 11434244442224 no1sno2hno2sno4hnonono 1 kc6c9c3cac8c2c4c7cjc2s5cjdqdad4d2hqhkh4hjh5h3hahasks6s5sjs5d8s7sqc6dtc2d7d9dkd3d9s8d3s9hqs7h4stdts8h6hthasjs4s3sahqh6hqcjc8c6c7d4dqsts9s8s6s5h4htc5c4c3ckdqds1n 11131322224444 no1cno1sno2snonono 1 kc4c9c3cactc2c3s8s2sas7sad2d7d6d5s3djs4sks9s6s4dqstskd5dqd6c3h8djd7c4h5ctd8c7h8h9d2hjcqc5h6hkhahqhjhth9has6s5skh9h7h4h3hjctc4cadkdksqsjs8s3sjh5h3cqdjdtd9d7ds4n 11422444444433 nono1hno1sno1nno3sno4snonono 1 kc3cac2c7c9ctc6cqc5h3djc6hjhqhkhas5s2s7sks4c3s8sqs5c6sjs5d2dad4dqd7dkd6djd9d7h8d2h3hah9htstd4s4h9sth8h8cts9s6s3s2sahjh7h5h6c3cadqdasksqs4skh8h2hjc9c2ckdjd5ds4n 13114444244222 1nno2cno2sno4snonono 1 jhqhkh3h2hah6h4h6d2djd3dad4d8d5dac7c2c6c5cjcqc8ckdqd3s7d3cjs9c2skc5h4c7stc8s9d7h4s9sqsasth6s8h5s9htstdksts6s4s3sqh4hackctc9c5cadjdksqs5sah3hqc4c3c2ckd9d8d6dn2l 13422244222111 1cno3nnonono 1 jc6ckc4c7hkh5h4h6d2dqd5dkd7d8d4d3d7sjdtdad2c2s8h9d5c3s3cas8s5s4sts9sksjsac7cqc8c6sqs2h9cjh3hqh9htcthah6hks6s5s3s2sth9h4hac6ckdqd3dastskh6h3h2hqc4cadjd9d8d6dn3b 13422444422311 no1dno1sno1nno3nnonono 1 invites North to bid 4 1 in dummy and leads 1 in which case dummys 1 in dummy. Since this play canonly cost 1 trick it is the bestline. 1 if he guesses wrongly). So Southleads dummys 1 honours,South must assume thatthey are split.Thus South shouldtry to discard his 1 holding of the opponents. A 1 from dummy and if East fails tocover,concede the trick to West.If East covers,South wins thetrick,crosses back to dummy,andrepeats the process. The planwould only fail if East had all3 missing 1 from dummy when possible. Thedefenders can win a 1 forcing dummy onto lead. IfSouth tries a 1 for his 9th. There are many waysof handling 1 for the 1st 2 rounds of 1 finesse. West wins the 1 finesse. This also fails, butSouth can still attempt a 2nd 1 finesse. As play continues,the 1 finesse will not work and Southsonly hope is that Easts 1 finesse puts the contract 1 downIf East has the 1 d$="Dealer ": 1 continues 1 by playing 1 bid,and Souths 2 1 because of his strong bidding.Since the double also shows ashortness in 1 at trick 4,Souths 1 at some time and he wants toprevent East,then leading a 1 as soon as possible,whilst hestill has sufficient entries todummy.After trick 3,South trumpsWest 1 and so East cannot hold any morehigh cards else he would haveresponded to his partners bid.Declarer wins this trick with 1 and continues with 1 and East shows out. Now South iscontract is safe. 1 and East has 1 and will ruff the 2nd round of 1 and now the contract is easy.Even if East held 1 and discard a 1 and North has overcalled 1 1 a$(N)+a$(n+1 1 X,Y4;C$;D$ 1 X,Y3;C$;D$ 1 X,Y2;C$;D$ 1 X,Y1;C$;D$ 1 V$=" Vulnerable" 1 South ruffs and re-enters dummywith a 1 South draws 2 rounds of trumps,only,leaving 1 enemy trump out--standing. He cannot afford todraw the last trump in case Eastcovers the 1st 1 South ruffs and stops to countthe opponents hand:West showedout on the 2nd round of 1 Q. South has 8winners and must establish a 1 K,which Eastwins with 1 K),for if West has 1 K$="West " 1 K$="South" 1 K$="North" 1 K$="East " 1 K play: Eastwill win with 1 Jxxx. 1 J,South can crossto dummys 1 In a dummy reversal,dummy,ratherthan declarer becomes the masterhand. Norths trumps are used todraw the opponents trumps,whilstSouths trumps are used to rufflosers. To make this play work,dummys trumps must be sufficientto draw trumps,and declarer mustbe able to ruff a sufficientnumber of times in hand. Byruffing 3 times in hand,declarertook 6 trump tricks instead of 5making the 1 Group 1(b) 1 For Tony Barnett 1 D$="Pass": 1 Cards 1 CP Software 1 Bridge Tutor Advanced 1 Bridge 1 Board / Card Game 1 BIDDING:When South rebids his 1 BIDDING:When North raises Southsminimum 1 1 BIDDING:When North raises Souths1 1 BIDDING:West opens 1 1 BIDDING:Souths hand is suitablefor a pre-emptive 3 1 BIDDING:Souths responding bidsare fairly straightforward. Hisinitial 1 1 BIDDING:Souths 2nd response of3 1 BIDDING:South, holding a 5-cardmajor,opens 1 1 BIDDING:South with insufficientpoints to raise Norths 2 1 BIDDING:South shows the strengthof his hand by jumping in 1 BIDDING:South rightly opens 1 1 BIDDING:South opens a strong 1NTand North bids2 1 BIDDING:South opens a strong 1NTNorth proceeds staight to 3NT,hoping that his strong 1 BIDDING:South opens 1NT and hispartner bids 2 1 BIDDING:South makes a pre-empt-ive opening bid of 4 1 BIDDING:South justifies his 2ndresponse of 2 1 BIDDING:South is wise to make a1 1 BIDDING:South with a 6-card 1 BIDDING:South seeking a majorfit uses a 2 1 BIDDING:South opens 1 1 BIDDING:South has a strong 1NTopening(16-18 points, a balancedhand). North,with 11 HCP(highcard points)and a balanced handraises straight to game in 3NT. PLAY:West leads 1 BIDDING:South 1NT is far fromideal:too much strength in 2suits and an unguarded suit; buta bid of 1 1 BIDDING:South is not quitestrong enough to jump to 1 BIDDING:North with 14 HCP and 24-card suits,rightly opens 1 1 BIDDING:North opens 1 1 BIDDING:North and South bothhold minimum values for theirrespective bids,so there is noexcuse for going any higher. PLAY:West leads 1 BIDDING:It is normally easier tomake game in 3NT than in 5 of aminor suit. Thus when Northopens 1 1 BIDDING:After West opens 1 1 BIDDING:After West has opened 1 1 BIDDING:After North has bid 2 1 BIDDING: South,1 HCP short of a1NT opening,opens 1 1 BIDDING: When North opens 1 1 BIDDING: South,with 23 pointsmakes a strong 2 1 BIDDING South,not quite strongenough to open 2 1 A,so itwill be a waste of time, Southleading up to his 1 A$(N)+A$(N+1 1 A since he can thendiscard 2 losing 1 ;"West North East South" 1 ;"Tricks taken:N/S :";NS;" E/W:";EW 1 ;"Press p to play Hand 1": 1 ;"Press any key to continue" 1 ;"Last trick won by:";K 1 ;"Hand complete": 1 ;"Enter deal number": 1 ;"Enter card" 1 ;"Enter bid" 1 ;"Deal ";deal;" Contract:";: 1 ;"Bidding complete": 1 ;" " 1 ;" " 1 9will lose to the defenders 1 9,setting up his 1 9, this is not the per-centage play. 5 cards will split3-2,roughly 2/3 of the time.ThusThe card play is made assumingThe trump break is normal. 1 9 for a finesse,coveringwith dummys 1 9 as a safety playagainst West holding 4 1 9 and South willhave to lose 2 more trump tricksbringing his total of losers to6(3 1 9 1 8. He now leads 1 8, a similarsafety play can be taken throughEast. On round 2 of 1 8 and when Eastfollows,he discards his last 1 8 1 7. As thereare only 2 losers outside trumpsSouth plans to draw trumps assoon as possible to preventenemy ruffs. So he wins trick 2in hand and leads 1 5h6hqhkhad2d3d6dkd7d4d8dqd4c5dtdks2s5s4sqs7s8s9s3sjsasts2c6cactc6s2h7h3h4hjh9d9hah3cjdth8h7c9c5ckc8cjcqcas8s5s7h6h8c7c3c2c9d5d4d3dksqs6s3skhth4hacqc5cadkdqdn3n 14444442441111 no2cno2dno2nno3nnonono 1 5h4h9hqhkc2c6c3cjc4ctc5c8c2hqc7cac3h9c8hts4s3sqskh7hthahksas6s2sjh3d5s6hqdkd5d2dad8d6d4d9s7sjs9d8sjd7dtdts9s6s7h4hacqctc6cadkd7d3dksjs8s3sahqh6hkcjc9c8c6d2dn2e 14442214112244 1dno3nnonono 1 5. South cancount 8 winners and so needs todevelop a 9th. This trick willmost likely come from 1 5 1 4hqh5h3h5c8cac2ctc3cqc4ckc7djc6c9c2s7c8djs6s8sqskh8h6h7htdqdkd3dthah2hts4d9h2d9d7sas3s5s5d4sadjd6dks9sjhjsts5sqh8hkcqc9c5cadqd6d2das9s8sah7h3hacjctc7c5d4d3dn2l 12422211343422 1dno3nnonono 1 4h2hah3h7hqh6h8had2d2c5d3d8d6cqd5hth9hkhac3c5c4c7c9c4d8cjdkd4s3stsqs5s2sks9s8sas7s6sjs6dtd9dtcjc7djhqckcksqs6s4skh8h2hacqctc7c6c2c8s2sqhth3h5cadjdtd7d6d4d3dd3l 13443224121444 no3dnonono 1 4c5cac8cjcqckc9cts2s3sks5hkh2hth9s6s4sastd4dad3d3hah6h2c9djd5d2dqh8s4hjh9h3c7h6c8h7c6d5skd7d8d7sqdtcqsjs7h4h3h2hqs6s2sad8d6d2d9c5casksqh9h8h6h5hqc8ckdqdjdtdh3l 13141423444444 no1hno2hno3hnonono 1 40 1 4.East wins 1 4.Declarer mustput his 1 4. East wins 1 4 1 3s4sjs6s9sqsas5sjd5d8dad9c3c4ckc3d4dtdkdac2c6c7cjc5c8c2stc2hqc8s3h5hqh7hah8hth6h4h9hkhjhksts7s7d9d2d6dqd7s5s4sahqh4hacjctc4ckd6d5dksqs6skhth3hqc9c8c6cad9d4dn1l 13143222422443 no1cno3nnonono 1 3h4hjhahjs4sqs2sqd7d4dkd2h8h9hqhad8d2d3s3d8ctd7cjd3c9d4c6d5h2c7s5d5s6c7has8s5sthts9sksjc6hkh5ctckc9cacqcasqsts8h4h9c5cqdjdtd6d5d2dksjs5sahqh6hqc6c2cad9d4d3dn4l 14214422222413 1nno3nnonono 1 3dtdjd4dad6d8d2d5d7dkdqdqc2c7cacah8h3h2h5h9dqh9h4hjhkh2s3cjc4ckctc6h3s8cas5s4s6sjs7s8s5ctsqsks6c7h9cth9sqh7h4h3hks8s4sqdtd2d8c4c2casjstsahkhth6h5hac3c7d6d4dh2e 13314424344424 nono1hno2hno3hnonono 1 3d4dad7dtdqdkd6djd6s5d9d3h2hqhah8h9h5hth3sas7s2s4hjh6h7hks9s4s2dkc3c2c7cac4c6c8c5c9c5stcqs8djcts8sqckhjsks7s6skhjh9h3hackcjc5c6d4dqs8s5s4s3sqhth7h6c2cqd9d7ds1l 13121412222443 1ddbno1sdbno2d2snonono 1 3at trick 2. East may win a cheaptrick with 1 39 1 38 1 37 1 36 1 35 1 34 1 33 1 32 1 31 1 30 1 3. South shouldconsider his play very carefullybefore playing the hand. If the 1 3. South seeshe has 3 1 3 overNorths 1 1 3 and when East shows upwith 1 3 1 2h3h7hthas8s2s3sks9s5sts7c2cjc5cac6c5d3ckc9c6d8c3dtdkdad7d4djd8dqs4s6hjsqd6s2d9d5h9hqh4hkh8hahjh7sqc4ctcjs5s2skhqh3hackcjc4c9d4d3dasks7s6s4sahth5h7ckd8d6d5ds2n 14442221334244 1cno1sno1nno3dno3sno4snonono 1 2d3dqdjdjcqckcac5stsks2s9d6dtd4dad5d3ckd8d7d4c3h8c2c9c5h6h4hkhahtc8h7c5cqhjh2h8sth3s7h6c9h4sjs9s7s6sasqskh7h2hasjs5sadtd8d3dac5c2cks7sqhth9h8h6h5hqc4c3cjd9dh2b 13242214344442 1nno4hnonono 1 2c3cac4ctcqckc8cjc9c5c6cqh3h8hahqd7d6d3d8d2djdad6h2h9hkhkd4d5h5dqs5s4sksjh4h7h9sas8s2s6sjstd3s9dts7c7sthqs7s3s2skh4h3h9c8c3ckdjd6dasjsts9s4sah5h2hqc6c4cqd8ds4b 13114432214444 1sno2snonono 1 29 1 28 1 27 1 26 1 25 1 24 1 23 1 22 1 21 1 20 1 2. With no helpas to the whereabouts of the 1 2. Southmust consider what happens if hemakes the obvious 1 2,giving thedefence the 1st 3 tricks in 1 2 and plans to draw trumpsstraight away to prevent ruffingof his other winners. On thisoccasion he cannot afford to doa safety play in 1 2 1 19 1 18 1 17 1 16 1 15 1 14 1 13 1 12 1 11 1 10 1 .There is practically no chancethat East will be able to get a2nd 1 .The idea is to kid West that hispartner holds 1 .Southnow draws a 2nd round of 1 .South wins with 1 .South knows his side have enoughfor game so bids 4 1 .South can virtually rule out thepossibility of a 1 .South can see4 possible losers:2 1 .South assumes from the bidding,that East holds 1 .So after ruffing the 3rd roundof 1 .Since there are no more 1 .PLAY:West leads 1 .NowSouth crosses to dummys 1 .Now South is out of 1 .North responds with a Stayman 2 1 .If the ace is single or double-ton,East will be forced to playit and dummys 1 .If he thoughtWest had 1 .If East does not pro-duce 1 .However East wins with 1 .He willdraw declarers last trump andthe defenders will be able tocash 1 or 2 1 .East ducks,hoping that South maychange his mind,but South goeson with a 1 .Declarer shouldrealise that East must have beendealt a doubleton 1 .After drawing trumps,South getsto dummy with 1 .(If he discards a 1 . With nomore entries to dummy,South willhave to lead trumps from hand,giving East 2 more tricks. Similarly,if West holds 1 . When East,instead plays 1 . When East follows low,Southdoes also. The 1 . When heregains the lead with 1 . Wests 1 1 . West wins the 1 . West underleads 1 . West makesa 1 1 . West is forced to layhis 1 . Up pops the 1 . This play loses nothing,sinceit simply gives West a 1 . This time,South has no reason to witholddummys 1 . South unblocks the 1 . South shouldresist covering Wests 1 . South sees that hemay lose 2 1 . South now seals hiscontract by cashing 1 . South hasto risk that the defence may beable to take a 1 . South hasto time the play carefully tomake the contract. It is oftenwise to draw trumps as soon aspossible,but on this occasion ifthe 1 . South has 2 1 . South seesthere is a possibility of hislosing 4 tricks(2 1 . South musthold up his 1 . South showsflat distibution with a 3NT bid,which North raises to 5 1 . South cancount 8 winners(5 1 . So when Souths 1 . So if East has 1 . So Southsets up an entry to his hand byleading a 1 . So South ducks, inthe hope that the defence willwrongly shift suits, givingSouth time to set up his 9thtrick in 1 . So North will onlyneed to come up with the threetricks his opening bid has shownto defeat the contract. HoweverWest comes to partners rescue,in 1 . So Southneeds another plan to get rid ofone of his 4 losers. At trick 2 West shifts to 1 . Since East hasalready used a 1 . Since thedefenders do not normally under-lead aces against suit contractsSouth should not play dummys 1 . PLAY:West opens 1 . Or,Southcan cash his 1 . Now when the badsplit becomes apparent,declareris in the correct hand to takethe marked finesse against Easts 1 . If his leadis true,then East must have 1 . If he ducks andWest wins 1 . If he also held 1 . If declarer thenleads a further 1 . If East has 1 . If East hadfollowed low,declarer would haveno reason to withold his 1 . Fortunately the fin-esse works and Souths contractis assured. He cashes 1 . Even if itloses the contract is not lostif East has 1 . Butwhen East overtakes with 1 . But he will onlylose 2 1 . But South canimprove his chances by leadingthe 1st round from dummy.If Easthas the bare 1 . When Wests 1 . Otherwise he can discard 2 1 . Ofcourse,if East follows to the1st round with a low 1 . North,lacking any good suit,responds2NT,showing 11-12 points and abalanced hand.South bids 3 1 . Itis clear that South can now onlyafford 2 trumps losers. If enemytrumps split 2-2,all is well,asthey will fall in 2 rounds. Ifthe split is 4-0,South has ahopeless task,so South shouldconsider the 3-1 splits: If either opponent has 1 . Ifthe finesse wins,South makes thecontract whoever has 1 . Fortunately,this turns out to be so. At thispoint,declarer counts his tricksHe now has 8 winners:2 1 . Eastwins and forces out 1 . At firstglance,declarer appears to have9 winners off the top. But oncloser inspection, he realisesthat if he is not careful, hewill not have sufficient entriesto his hand to cash his winner 1 . Thus,South must delay thedrawing of trumps. So at trick4 South wins 1 . Southruffs the 2nd 1 . PLAY:Souths ducks the opening 1 . However,West will lead a 1 . Percentagesfavour that 1 . South must postpone drawing 1 . PLAY:West leads 1 . PLAY:Lead: 1 . PLAY:As declarer,it is importantto think ahead. After ruffingthe 2nd round of 1 . If South does try the 1 . Now declarer must consider poss-ible 1 . Note that if South wins trick 1,when West gets in with 1 . Supposing West leads a low 1 . So South should expect to loseonly 1 1 . PLAY:After the opponents havetaken the 1st 3 tricks,the fateof the contract appears to hingeon the 1 . If the 1 . What if West has 1 . PLAY:When West leads 1 . PLAY:West leads 1 . PLAY:East overtakes his partnersopening lead of 1 . PLAY:Defenders take the 1st 4tricks:1 1 . 1 ,with 16 HCP,a powerful 6-card 1 ,whoever holds 1 ,whichwould give the defence 2 1 ,which South must winin hand. Declarer can no longerreach dummys high 1 ,which is a vital entry toSouth. However,South wins with 1 ,to try to dislodge dummys 1 ,to showhis 1 ,thus unblocking the suit.So now South can simply run his 1 ,thus dummy will be rid ofits 2 1 ,thus a penaltydouble might be on. Norths handis not quite good enough to playfor penalties,so he bids 2NT,showing his point strength andshape. A NT contract does notappeal to South so he takes itout into 3 1 ,then plays a low 1 ,then play a low 1 ,then counts hislosers:he has already lost 1 1 ,then shiftsto a trump to try to cut off a 1 ,then cashhis top 1 ,the longer of his biddable suitsand not being strong enough toreverse on his rebid,prefers tobid 1NT,since he has a fairlybalanced hand rather than rebid 1 ,the defence may cash 3 1 ,the higher of touching suits.South shows his distribution andstrength with a 3NT response. PLAY:West opens 1 ,straight off. North may have bidon a bare minimum,in which casegame is unlikely to be made. PLAY:The opponents cash the 1st2 tricks in 1 ,so hecan retain control of 1 ,showinga 7 or 8-card suit,lacking thenecessary points to open. Northwith 4 quick tricks and 1st or2nd round control of all unbidsuits,raises to 5 1 ,returning a 1 ,noting thatWest drops the 1 ,may also have the last 1 ,losing nothing and keepingthe entries straight for later.East shifts to 1 ,letting West win 1 ,itis clear that South will not beable to ruff a 1 ,it will appearimmediately,and Souths 1 ,it is likely that his 1 ,instead of winning with 1 ,in which case a 1 ,ie that his CK is asingleton. 1 ,hopingthat West will win with 1 ,he would have lost 1530points in all:1430 for the slam,and 100 points for going 1 down.Considering 1 ,he will not knowwhether to continue 1 ,he will lose 3 tricksregardless of the 1 ,he will have no clear cutentries to hand. Thus South holds up his 1 ,he leads back 1 ,he goes down.When West shows out on round 2South lacks sufficient entriesto dummy to both take the trumpfinesse,and run the 1 ,he cashes 1 ,he cannot consider finessingthe 1 ,giving South a free finesse.However East rightly overtakes 1 ,fromSouths view there seems to be afair chance of a misfit. Howeverwhen South makes his 2 1 ,draws trumps with 1 ,draws the last 1 ,draws the final trumpand leads 1 ,discardinga losing 1 ,discarding his losing 1 ,discarding his 1 ,declarer will go downif East began with 1 ,declarer ruffs toget to hand to complete drawingtrumps and secures his contractby discarding his losing 1 ,declarer can duck a 1 ,declarer cancount 3 other possibile losers:2 1 ,butEast will play 1 ,but sincethere is a fair chance that thecontract will be played in NT,he chooses to bid NT himself,since it will keep the opponentsguessing as to the best openinglead,and any lead but a 1 ,but Southis now in control. He cashes 1 ,before Southcan discard discard a potential 1 ,at trick 2 and 1 ,andthen returns a 1 ,andpossibly 1 1 ,andfinesses the 1 ,and though 1 ,and takes the rest 1 ,and ruffs a 1 ,and if Westhas 1 ,and Southbest describes his flat hand byraising directly to 3NT,showing13-15 HCP.North is happy to passPLAY:West leads 1 ,and leads a low 1 ,West will takethis trick also and win the restof the 1 ,West is marked with 1 ,West musthave almost all the other high 1 ,Stayman,seekinga major fit. South now shows his 1 ,Souths hand vastly improves andso he can confidently raise to4 1 ,Souths best bid is 1NT,since hehas a balanced hand and the 1 ,Souths handlooks much better,since North ispromising a fair hand,havingraised South,whose 1 1 ,Southhas no option but to pass. PLAY:West leads 1 ,Southcovers with 1 ,South with 15points and a good-looking 1 ,South wins with 1 ,South simply regains the leadto draw the last 1 ,South plays a 1 ,South must lose 3 tricks,egif East has 1 ,South is wisenot to jump the gun and bid 4 1 ,South has a choice of responses.He could always bid 1 1 ,South can draw the last trump. 1 ,South simplyloses an overtrick. The decision not to finesse 1 ,East will duck.South continues 1 ,East could have put the contractdown by returning his partnerssuit,but he chose to pin hishopes on 1 ,East willbe left with 1 ,1st,then a 1 , to windup in dummy,ready for the fin-esse,if necessary. As it happens 1 , then enters dummy toto lead 1 , thecomplexion of the hand changes.Now South can almost guaranteehis contract by letting East winthe trick. Other than the 1 , ruffed by SouthDeclarer must now work out howto avoid 2 trump losers. If hebegins drawing trumps by leading 1 , putting West back onlead. Souths 3 1 , forEast probably holds 1 , declarer discards a 1 , a safety play whichensures 5 tricks even if 1 , West willshift back to 1 , South with every suitstopped and a balanced hand bids3NT and does not proceed in 1 , orhe can try to establish dummys5th 1 , andknowing his position is useless,simply cashes his 1 , andkeeping his own 1 , Southsonly vulnerable suit South isnot unduly worried. If the 1 , heleads a 1 , Southtakes the 1 , Southshould play 1 )and North jumps to 4 1 )PLAY: If a contract seems impregnabledeclarer should try to preparehimself to handle a remotecontingency which could causethe contract to fail. Here,6 1 ).South now shows his 2nd suit(3 1 ). So Southmust settle for a small slam(6 1 ). But South can win 6 1 ). ButWests lead provides vital clues.Since the normal lead from asuit headed by 1 ). So West discards 2 of his long 1 ),and if his 1 (Stayman) to tryto find a 4-4 major fit. Souths2 1 'TZXed by Andrew Barker 1 "You have now played all 40 hands Press r to replay hand Press e to re-read explanation" 1 "START THE TAPE";: 1 "START THE TAPE": 1 "SPECTRUM BRIDGE TUTOR": 1 "Program by M.Blythe": 1 "Press r to replay hand": 1 "Press l to load next hand" 1 "Press l to load another hand": 1 "Press e to re-read explanation": 1 "North-South";v$ 1 "Neither side";v$ 1 "East-West";v$ 1 "Both sides";v$ 1 "*********************": 1 would stillbe established,and provided Westcontinued 1 without allowing theopponents to gain the lead.So South leads a 1 with his last trump. He thencrosses to 1 wins trick 1 hehas no problems. However, Eastproduces 1 winners,2 1 winner after taking the 1 will hold ifWest led from 1 will be a singleton.So,at trick 3,South enters dummywith a 1 will be safe.Alas the 1 who will return a 1 who leadsa 1 while forcing West touse up a trump. The rest of the play is routine:South ruffs the 1 when trumping a 1 when theywish,but the contract is safe,since dummy is out of 1 up straight away tohave a chance of making a trickwith it. The 1 tricksThe answer is to lead a high 1 tricksInstead,he crosses to 1 tricks.East then shifts to 1 tricks. The 3extra tricks can come from 1 tricks. If East holds 1 tricks. Sincethere is also a chance of estab-lishing the 1 tricks. If 1 tricks to establish a 3rdsince West will only develop 1 1 tricks to defeata safe contract. 1 trick.The most important thing in thishand is cut off communicationsbetween the defenders which isbest done by ducking the 1sttrick. 1 trick.Normally,missing 4 to the K, thecorrect play is to finesse, butSouth should have 2nd thoughtsabout this if he has listened tothe opponents bidding. Even apass can convey information. AndWest, as dealer,passed.Obviouslyhe lacked the values to bid; yethe has already shown up with 1 trick. East,who opened the bidding, verylikely has 1 trick,so he is onlychoosing the best time to loseit,viz while West retains thelead. After winning the 1 trick,since his 1 trick,and thenforce out 1 trick to takea losing 1 trick in the process. 1 to put North onlead. The finesse works and the 1 to leads a 1 to lead a 1 to ensure thatgame is reached. This time Northhas adequate trump support,so hebids 4 1 to drop OR a finessegives better odds than simplyrelying on a finesse. As it isthe extra chance turns out to bethe only chance; the 1 to drive out theremaining honour and capture thelast trump. So South plays 1 to defeatthe contract. Thus, East must be kept off leaduntil South has played 3 roundsof 1 to cash the 2 1 to cash his 1 to cash 1 to Easts 1 to partners 1 through South to kill himoff. 1 through dummys 1 through West.Counting has enabled South to"see" his opponents cards. n 1 there is no problem, but whatif West has it? South shouldgive himself an extra chance byfinessing dummys 1 then leads low to 1 then another 1 supportpoint strength and distribution,by jumping to 3 1 support. South envisagesat least a small slam and usesBlackwood(4NT) to find thatNorth had 3 aces(5 1 support and 5-card 1 suitsitting over Easts 1 suit. Thusif dummy ruffs a 1 suit, South breaksthis link by ducking the 1st 1 suit which couldgive partner a useful source oftricks should he bid 3NT. North,after careful considerationpasses. PLAY:West leads 1 suit justify it. PLAY:West wins trick 1 with his 1 stop. North,then bids3 1 stop,and can thencash a 1 split. Sincethe defender with 2 1 split. Once the 1st 1 so has to settle for a 1 1 so South bids4 1 since hewill discard 2 loser 1 since he needonly have made his 1 1 shows an opening hand with aprobable shortness in 1 shiftSouth has time to knock out 1 shift in hand andtaking the 1 ruffis threatened,South will need torely on 1 ruff. West wins 1 ruff. Now the 1 ruff,West willoverruff. Instead he should leaddummys 1 ruff as this would mean a7-1 1 return. Now there is only onetrump outstanding,which Southdraws with 1 return. He is practicallysure that East has 1 return iswon in dummy. 1 return and cashes 1 responseand North then raises to 3 1 response, to showhis strength and distribution.North raises to 3 1 response shows hisonly biddable suit. When Northrebids 1 1 response denies 1.5tricks. South,with a balancedhand now bids 2NT,which Northraises to 3NT. PLAY:South wins the opening 1 rebid, and North,with 11 HCP can jump straight to4 1 rebid denies a4-card major. North wastes notime and bids 3NT. PLAY:When West leads 1 rebid denies a 4-card major,so North bids game in 3NT. PLAY:South wins the opening leadof 1 overcall,and North gives afair indication of his 1 overcall, South isfully justified in going to 4 1 overcall marks himwith 1 opening to 2 1 opening bid.Norths 2 1 opener,but is toostrong to jump to 4 1 on trick 4. Inthat case, South would need histrumps for an extra entry backto dummy to repeat a 1 on trick 2, expectingWest to win with 1 on trick 1. He is ableto control the 2nd by ruffing,and he should not discount thefact that West may have made aclever lead away from the 1 on the 2nd round,to maintaincommunications with partner. Inthat case, 1 on the 1stround,declarer simply uses his1 chance to keep West off leadif he has 1 on low cards. Dummy winsthe 1 on it.However,he must establish the 1 must be lost.There is no play for the cont-ract if 1 losers. So in effect,South declines a futile ruff ontrick 3 to get a safe ruff lateron. 1 losers on the estab-lished 1 losers by playing low ontrick 2. Note that if Westwere to lead 1 losers onNorths 1 losers andmakes goes on to make his 10tricks losing 2 1 loserIf the 1 loser. If West has 5 1 loser whichit seems can only be done if 1 loser to let West win 1 loser on dummys 1 loser and at least 1 1 loser cannotbe avoided,South must play the 1 leadsince the other suits are sowell stopped that a switch canonly be helpful. West, however continues 1 lead. South ruffs the 1 lead. IfWest has the bare 1 lead,it app-ears that 2 1 lead,crosses to dummywith 1 lead if Westplays the contract. North makesan optimistic raise to game buthis fine 1 lead andcontinuation with dummys 1 lead and shifts to 1 lead and a 1 isplayed. East can win 1 is worthless). WhenNorth raises to 2 1 is now ruffed in hand,andthe contract made with his 1 is not a 2nd stopif East continues 1 is led toSouths 1 is led to dummy andboth opponents follow suit. Nowonly 2 1 is lead fromdummy and when East fails tocover,South goes up with 1 is ducked,all iswell. Declarer wins the 2ndround of 1 is covered by 1 is K,South canassume that West does not have 1 is theonly possible entry to dummy,somust be saved for later. So South cashes his 3 high 1 is asingleton, and he ruffs the 1 indummy,East may win and make apotentially dangerous 1 in preference toa strong 1NT opening. West over-calls 2 1 in dummy. South nowplans his play. He must draw 1 in dummy and plays a low 1 in hand.Now he leads a trump. His ploypays off when West wins the 1 in hand,leads a trump to dummy,and ruffsa 1 in dummyand discard a losing 1 in caseEast begun with singleton 1 in dummy,andwill have to look elsewhere forhis 10th trick. There are a fewoptions open: South can finesse 1 implies 3card support. North,now choosesgame in 3NT. PLAY:West leads 1 immediately,thenknocks out 1 honours.As the cardslie,West has 1 1 honour. After dummy wins trick 1 with 1 holds so Southsimply cashes his others winners 1 his 1NT response imp-lies a 1 he would take the1st 1 he willreturn a 1 he runs therisk that West will win with 1 he may notplay it on 1 he is now safe. He wins the 1 he is forced to winthe 2nd round to cash his 1 he can win atrick,since he can do no damage.West is the dangerous opponent,and must be kept off lead at allcosts. By playing 1 he willlose 2 tricks if either opponentbegan with 1 gives him rebidproblems if North responds 1 1 from hand. He plansto establish the 4th 1 from dummy,and not ruff the 1 from dummy and playslow from hand,if East does notcover. Before deciding which play touse,declarer should hold up the 1 from East.Whenhe returns a 1 for the first 2rounds to kill off that suit.He will need to force out the 1 for West to win andgo on to defeat the contract. SoSouths only chance is to play 1 for anextra trick. His only chance toget rid of his 2 1 finesseworked,Souths play at trick 1would cost him a trick,but hewould still make the contract. 1 finesseshould be delayed as long aspossible for if it loses,the op-ponents may take enough 1 finesse. It losesbut the contract is safe. Westhopefully tries to cash 1 finesse. Howeverif South tries the 1 finesse. But so long asthe trumps split no worse than3-1(remember 1 has already beenplayed),South can make his 10tricks using a "dummy reversal".At trick 4 South wins the shiftto 1 finesse. Ordoes it? The 1 finesse. Beforegoing after this 9th trick,Southshould 1st run 1 finesse. Anyone greedy enough to go on toattempt a 1 finesse,sinceEasts failure to respond to hispartners opening bid says thathis hand is very weak,and thusunlikely to hold 1 finesse,and so be left tochance. But a bit of thoughtfrom declarer can eliminate thechance-factor. At trick 3,South should discarda 1 finesse,East will beout of 1 finesse, but will beunable to return to his hand tocash 1 finesse, Westwould win with 1 finesse would put allhis eggs in one basket,combiningthe other 2 ideas will obviouslyimprove his chances of success.However South must play withcare because of his shortage ofentries to dummy. For example,suppose South decides to lead to 1 finesse would meet asticky end,since the finesseloses and the defenders could goon to cash 4 1 finesse worksthe contract is safe. So Southducks the 1st 2 rounds of 1 finesse worked,but sinceEasts opening bid virtuallymarks him with 1 finesse wins,South can reel 11tricks straight off. But if thefinesse fails and opponents makea switch to 1 finesse wins, South canafford to lose 1 1 finesse will fail,but atthe same time,doing his best toprevent the opponents shiftingto 1 finesse unnecessary 1 finesse loses the defencewill continue 1 finesse loses Southhas already lost 5 tricks and socannot afford to lose a 1 finesse later if 1 finesse fails,but Southcan hold up his 1 finesse does work soSouth sheds his 2 1 finesse andloses,he will not get the chanceto try 1 finesse and loses,he willnever get to try the 1 finesse straightaway.When this loses,East shiftsto 1 drops,South can now help prevent 2 1 drops onthe 1 drops enabling South totake the contract with 2 over-tricks,whilst taking the 1 does not drop,he canstill try the 1 does not dropand he lacks the entries to cashthe established 1 does drop on 1 distributions to avoidlosing more than 2 1 dis-card without letting the defencefirstly obtain the lead to casha 1 directly. PLAY:West leads 1 defenders might effect aruff in a red suit. Declarer cando nothing to prevent a 1 crosses with 1 cashed whilst South discardsa loser 1 cash 9 tricks. 1 cannot be ruffed indummy). However,instead ofdrawing all the trumps,Southplays 2 rounds,leaving one trumpoutstanding. Now the 3 top 1 can later be finessed againstAs the cards lie, West wins 1 can be given up,to establish the 4th 1 can be ruffed.East continues 1 call was on a near maximum,(agood 8 or 9 points). PLAY:The defence win the 1st 3tricks in 1 by ruffing out the suit.Since a 1 by play-ing a 1 but if thathappens South could not havemade the contract in any event.Fortunately East must play 1 but Southcan make his contract without afinesse,and there is no point inhis risking the contract for thesake of the finesse. 1 bid is a soundvulnerable overcall at the 1level. However he has insuffic-ient values to carry on biddingafter North has raised to 2 1 bid needonly be protective. Thus, Southcan now bid game directly in 4 1 bid increasesthe values of Norths hand toaround 19 points,since he canadd on extra points for his 5-card trump support,and his 2doubletons. North now wishes toconsider slam possibilities,sohe jumps in a new suit (3 1 being discardedfrom dummy,in which case Souths 1 before drawingtrumps,he will encounter anotherdanger:West has a singleton 1 at trick2,West then switches to 1 at trick 4, West wins 1 at trick 4, Southkeeps his 1 at trick 3 tofinesse 1 at trick 2,Southcovers with dummys 1 as a stopper.If South plays 1 are cashed. But ifSouth tries to avoid this bycashing 1 anywayand it keeps East off lead.Souththen wins the 1 andthen tries to force out 1 andgive South a ruff-and-discard,ora 1 andconcede the rest of the tricks. 1 andEast comes up with 1 and,if West playseither 1 and try the 1 and tries a finessein 1 and thendraws 3 more rounds of trumps.On the final trump,he discardsthe 1 and then South cantake a ruffing finesse against 1 and the whole suit willthen be run by the defence. Thuson this hand,South must gambleand put up 1 and takes outtrumps. Since a 1 and so can afford just1 1 and simply runs the 1 and shifts back to 1 and runs his 1 and ruffing a 1 and returns another 1 and return a 1 and put Southback in hand with a 1 and nowplays 1 and not a low 1 and leads the singleton 1 and leads 1 and lead a 1 and if the suitbreaks 3-2,a 1 and his worriesare over,since the only missing 1 and exits a 1 and establishes a 1 and enters dummy witha 1 and defeat the contract. 1 and counts his winners.(Itwould only be correct to hold upif 1 and cash enough 1 and cash therest of the 1 and at least 3 1 and already there is anextra chance for South. If Eastwrongly lets the 1 and Southwins with 1 and South ruffs the 1 and South can now run therest of his 9 tricks without therisk of a 1 and South winsin hand with 1 and North responds 2 1 and East ishelpless. If he plays 1 and nowhe tries the 1 and bothNorth and East pass. South,beingvulnerable does not quite have agood solid enough suit to jumpto 2 1 and thedefence can still only get 1 1 and riskmissing a slam.When North rebids 1 and forcesdeclarer to ruff another 1 and whendummys hand is revealed,declarerseems to be in any difficulty,but when East obtains a 1 Vulnerable 1 Stayman bid. WhenNorth denies a 4-card major,South jumps to 3 1 South shouldbase his play on the 1 M.Blythe 1983" 1 1st. South canreturn to his hand via 1 1983 M.Blythe 1 wouldbe a 2nd stop if West continued 1 winner. 1 willgive South a free finesse. PLAY:West leads 1 willdrop on the 1 willbe saved to capture the 1 trickand clear the 1 trick,instead of giving East a trumptrick. Eventually,South can draw trumpsand discard another of dummys 1 toosoon,he has no entry to dummy tocash the 4th 1 todummys 1 to dummys 1 to West who can reel off 4 1 ruffand the 1 ruff,but can take steps against a 1 responseon a yarborough and does hold afew points although not enoughto jump on his initial response.North with this is mind passes. PLAY:For this hand,declarer iswise to pay attention to theinformation given by the biddingof the opponents:Wests double of1 1 overcall on his fairly weakhand,since he is not vulnerableand would like a 1 over Norths 1NT rebid,showsthat his hand was almost strongenough to open the bidding, andof course,a 5-card suit. Northis now happy to bid 4 1 opening to 2 1 on trick 1,to glean as muchinformation as possible. Thus ontrick 2 East shows out of 1 on the next round. HoweverWest does play 1 losers,but he can do something about itif either opponent holds 4 1 losers,1 1 lead,crosses to dummy with a 1 inhand. A 1 inhand,which holds. He now cashesthe rest of his winners. 1 hispass would be nothing short ofcriminal. So instead of assumingthat West needs bidding lessons,South should realise that Eastmust have 1 from hand,2 tricks will belost if either opponent holds 1 finessewill work. However,the 1 finessenot working so he can only avoid2 1 finessegoing 1 down,he will doubtlessbemoan his bad luck that bothfinesses failed. However goodplayers know how to be lucky. 1 finesse.South must take the 1 finesse,South should try to find out asmuch as possible about the 1 finesse fails,and West winswith 1 finesse becomes unnecessary,since,in attempting to save 1 continuationon trick 3,East will over-ruff.If that happens,the contractwill depend on the outcome ofthe 1 cont-inuation,defender draws trumps,ending in dummy,and takes a 1 careful play can benefitSouth. South firstly leads a lowtrump from hand(which will notcost if 1 butdeclarer ruffs and claims therest. Note that South must win the 1 backto the 1 andthen makes a jump reverse of 2 1 andthe 1 andleads a 1 andclears dummys last trump.Declar-er would play off the 1 andNorth raises to 4 1 andNorth and East pass, South has achoice of whether to overcall 2 1 andEast overcalls 1 1 Southcould still make the contract ifthe 1 South will lose 3 tricks.However,if East holds 1 1st,thenplay a 1 ,hischances improve. Now when Southgets in with a 1 win,thenWest will have no more 1 totake the 1 thenshifts to 1 suitcan be established in time tomake the contract. PLAY:West leads 1 return,andplays a trump to 1 response,Northhas adequate trump support anda strong enough hand to bid 4 1 promising game and Southsdelayed raise to 3 1 opening,with a 7-card 1 onhis high 1 leadthrough Souths 1 lead.When East fails to cover the 1st 1 isnow unprotected. In any case itis Souths only hope. Sure enoughthe 1 finesseimmediately. Suppose he plays a 1 finesse.East wins the 2nd round of 1 continuationwith 1 andruff a 1 andreturns a 1 andleads 1 anddicards 2 1 suit.However,correct suit managementwill overcome the problem. Afterwinning